CWE (Common Collaborative Work Environment) in an, PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service ).
The Platform
Digital Twin Simulators of Industrial Assets, Cloud-based
The TALENT SWARM® platform gives engineers, technicians and managers, access to a Digital Twin or simulator of their industrial plant, just like pilots train on flight simulators.
Depending on the amount of information they have provided to the platform, it allows for progressively more sophisticated functions.
At a basic level, after scanning the plant with 3D lasers, it allows them to perform a Virtual Tour of the plant and visualize the plant with other users to plan operations and repairs.
The information regarding the individual pieces of equipment is added and information from the SCADA instrumentation system and IoT devices is connected, they may “tag” and query the real-time conditions.
When the links to the Maintenance Program are established, technicians may click on the pieces of equipment to retrieve maintenance manuals and repair work orders. These “recommendations” for a better Maintenance & Operations performance for workers that virtually walk around the plant, will have a narrative character, as in:
“The pump XYZ appears to be unstable, the probability that it will break down in the next two days is 85%. We recommend creating a work order for further inspection.”
Finally, when the mathematical simulations of the plant are incorporated to the platform, theoretical and actual performance of the plant may be compared, as well as simulations of future and dangerous operations to better predict and plan maintenance operations.
The heart of the TALENT SWARM® platform is a data
Why Talent Swarm?
Talent Swarm® is a highly innovative solution that goes beyond the current state of the art compared to the current PLM solutions:
State of the Art (SOA)
Solutions for PLM
advance beyond SOA
PLM solutions are mainly based on data analytics software, Excel Tools, simple technical diagrams of plant equipment, no traceability of changes or update status. PLM focused on Objects.
TALENT SWARM® generates a 3D virtual model of a complete industrial plant, integrating all the necessary information (up to 7D) into a single system in an up-to-date and secure way. TALENT SWARM® is focused on the entire System, including personnel within the plant.
Difficulty in collaboration between people from central offices and industrial plants or external experts. Use of independent systems (telephone, video calls, telepresence) with poor asset information and no visual aids.
Common Collaborative Work Environment (CWE) where industrial employees may collaborate at anytime, anywhere, in real time becomes easy with total access to updated and rich information profiles of all objects and assets of the industrial plant.
Current Building Information Modeling (BIM) is being used in 3D (geometry), 4D (time) and rarely 5D (integrated cost, procurement & logistics) for M&O of industrial plants. Digital twins are incipient and basic.
TALENT SWARM® has the capability of using equation-based language (Modelica) for Process Simulations and BIM technologies for Digital Twin creation and IIoT, Big Data and cloud computing technologies to allow real-time prognostics of system performance (7D: “Sentient Systems”).
BIM models can be used for unauthorized industrial copying of products (geometry, specifications, etc.).
Block Chain technology is used to protect individual elements and establish different levels of security.
Industrial sectors use data with different standards (Oil & Gas: ISO 15926-2, Built and environment: IFC (ISO 16739), Aerospace: ISO 10303-203,209,212,214,239 and Defense: ISO 10303-239 (PCLS)
TALENT SWARM®’s adherence to CFIHOS Open Standard data model allows importing existing standards for exchanging file data usable in different sectors. Most existing standards are based on different taxonomies of XML, TALENT SWARM® allows for geometric data, metadata and media files to be saved in a Block Chain secured Big Data repository.
The quality of the connections between devices is conditioned by the characteristics and instantaneous network conditions (bandwidth, network speed, coverage level).
The graphical rendering system based on videogame and cloud computing technologies minimizes the network requirements and generates the minimum information required according to the device, reducing latency and bandwidth requirements.
Telecontrolnet and Modelica use data structures varying ad-hoc in each project without a defined industrial standard. This greatly limits integration with other platforms.
TALENT SWARM® is designed as a platform capable of integrating these best platforms and expert systems using CFIHOS standards for its plug & play application in industrial installations.
An expert management team

Turnaround Product Manager able to work with early stage companies to set product strategy, build and enable strong product management teams and establish a product management function that plays a proactive rolewithin the organization and with customers and channel partners.

Previously, he worked 4 years at Ipsos, Multinational company dedicated to research and market studies. Initially he was the System administrator and was later promoted to IT Manager organizing and supervising the IT department and its members.
Inmersive Enviroment
Collaborative Work Environment (CWE) that looks like a videogame but to do real work: monitor complex industrial assets for greater efficiency, integrate with maintenance programs to prevent unscheduled shutdowns and connect workers for real-time remote assistance.
Global Management
Manage with ease and insight valuable and complex industrial assets with a rich and detailed view that integrates CMMS maintenance systems, SCADA instrumentation data and IIoT information, leveraging the knowledge of highly qualified teams of people globally, even from remote locations.